May 17th Steering Committee Meeting

Steering Committee Meeting

17 May 2011

at Ryan's house


present: Ryan, Vinny, Natasha, Chicken, Bill, Margery

on phone: Jim, Lam, Jon, Juan, later Arturo

voting by email: Mel, Anthony (some)




Vote for Juan's proposal (Ryan has roll call of votes)

no: 8

yes: 1

abstain: 1

motion rejected


Vote for Ryan's proposal (Ryan has roll call of votes)

no: 0

yes: 12

motion passed


Arturo joined in on phone



ATA applications

Jonathan Schmidt-

Vote to approve ATA application for Jonathan Schmidt

yes: 9 for

no: 1

abstain: 2

ATA application approved


Elliot Scales-

yes:11 for

no: 0

abstain: 1

ATA application approved



Guide Application

Bart Carlson, Jr-


Yes: 11 for

No: 0

abstain: 1

Ryan will call Jr with the good news, guide application approved


New business

Can switch out 14' boats for 13', esp. for Cache Creek - just ask Mike at PRS

Mike at PRS can't switch out our 13' boats for 14s until after Memorial Day


Jon: we were asked to do another Yodeler article, a special issue on Activities

asked to do a story on "what's new?"

1) high water year

2) project liferaft

will get combined with backpacking



July 30th- Bill Center at night at Nugget, Bill, Mary as trip hosts

Robb Thurman doing flyer

Jon & Jared doing new copy description